Terms and Conditions

Article 1: Scope of these terms and conditions

•1.This contract defines agreements made between the Hotel and the Guest. For any matters not included in this agreement, we will follow the law and general conduct guidelines.
2. In cases where the Hotel has made special provision, special provisions will prevail./

Article 2: Booking the hotel room

1.We ask all Guests booking rooms at our hotel to provide the following:

(1) Your full name
(2) Date and time of arrival
(3) Your contact details
(4) Other information that the Hotel deems necessary

2. We ask all Guests to inform the Hotel promptly in cases of changes to the items above.
3. If the Guest stays additional nights beyond the dates initially provided in above item 1 (2) “Date and time of arrival”, the Hotel will deem that the Guest has booked a new night(s).

Article 3: Successful booking

• This accommodation agreement becomes effective if and only when the Hotel accepts the Guest’s booking of the Hotel.

• When the agreement does become effective, we (the Hotel) will ask the Guest to pay the total price for all nights by the date that the Hotel has specified as the payment date.

• If any of the following circumstances occur, the Hotel may consider the application to be made without the intention of actual accommodation, and the Accommodation Contract will lose its effect:

1. When the accommodation charge is not paid by the specified date.
2. When contact cannot be made with the contact details provided in the application.
3. When communication from the Hotel is refused.

• In cases falling under items (2) and (3) of the preceding paragraph, the accommodation charge already received will not be refunded.

Article 4: Rejection of reservations

We will not accept reservations from the Guest in the following cases:

(1) When the application is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.
(2) When the rooms are fully booked.
(3) When it is anticipated that rooms will be prioritized for disaster victims or disaster recovery personnel in the event of a disaster or emergency.
(4) When the person intending to stay is a member or related person of an organized crime group as defined by laws and ordinances.
(5) When the person intending to stay is likely to engage in acts contrary to laws, public order, or good morals.
(6) When it is clearly recognized that the person intending to stay has a contagious disease.
(7) When the person intending to stay makes unreasonable demands beyond the reasonable scope of accommodation services.
(8) When it is unavoidable due to natural disasters, facility failures, or other unavoidable circumstances.
(9) When the person intending to stay is intoxicated or is likely to cause inconvenience to other guests or interfere with the operation of the Hotel.
(10) When the person intending to stay is clearly in a state of mental or physical disorder.
(11) When minors intend to stay without the consent of their guardians.
(12) When the application is made for the purpose of transferring the right to stay to another person.
(13) When the application is made without the intention of actual accommodation.
(14) In other cases where accommodation refusal is permitted by laws and ordinances.

Article 5: Cancellation by the Guest

• Guests can cancel their reservation by notifying the Hotel.
• If the Guest has cancelled all or part of his or her reservation according to the previous sentence, the Guest is responsible for payments as defined in Appendix 2.
• If the Guest does not show up by the expected time without prior notice, the Hotel may consider the no show to be a cancellation.

Article 6: Right to cancel accommodation contract by the Hotel

• The Hotel may cancel the Accommodation Contract under any of the following circumstances:

(1) When the Guest is a member or related person of an organized crime group.
(2) When the Guest engages in violence, threats, blackmail, unreasonable demands, gambling, illegal drug use, or other acts contrary to laws or public order within the Hotel.
(3) When it is clearly recognized that the Guest has a contagious disease.
(4) When the Guest makes unreasonable demands beyond the reasonable scope of accommodation services.
(5) When it is unavoidable due to natural disasters, facility failures, or other unavoidable circumstances.
(6) When the Guest engages in acts that interfere with fire prevention or fire safety, such as smoking in bed or tampering with fire safety equipment.
(7) When the right to stay is transferred or attempted to be transferred.
(8) When the accommodation charge is not paid as specified.
(9) When the Guest violates these Terms and Conditions or the Term of Use.
(10) In other cases where accommodation refusal is permitted by laws and ordinances.

• Notification of cancellation under the preceding paragraph shall be made verbally or by phone, email, or in writing to the contact details provided by the Guest in accordance with Article 2. If such notification does not reach the contact provided, the provisions of Article 3, paragraph 3 shall apply, and the notification shall be deemed delivered after a reasonable period has passed.
• If the Hotel cancels the Accommodation Contract based on the preceding two paragraphs, except for cases in paragraphs 3 and 5, the accommodation charge will not be refunded.

Article 7: Registration

On the day of accommodation, guests shall register the following information at the reception or designated place:

(1) Guest’s name and address
(2) For foreign nationals, nationality, passport number, place of entry, and date of entry
(3) Other information deemed necessary by the Hotel

Article 8: Usage hours of guest rooms

• 宿泊客が当館の客室を使用できる時間は、チェックインからチェックアウトまでとします。
• 宿泊客が客室を使用できる時間内であっても、当館は、安全及び衛生管理その他当館の運営管理上の必要があるときは、客室に立入り、必要な措置をとることができるものとします。

Article 9: Compliance with the term of use

Guests must comply with the hotel’s term of use during their stay.

Article 10: Payment of accommodation charge

• The accommodation charge and other fees payable by the guest are as specified in Appendix 1.
• Payment shall be made upon request by the Hotel using approved credit cards or other approved payment methods at the reception or designated place.
• Even if the guest voluntarily does not stay after the room is made available, the accommodation charge shall be charged.

Article 11: Liabilities of the Hotel

The Hotel shall compensate the Guest for damage if the Hotel has caused such damage to the Guest in the fulfillment or the nonfulfillment of the Accommodation Contract and/or related agreements. However, the same shall not apply in cases where such damage has been caused due to reasons for which the Hotel is not liable.

Article 12: Handling of deposited articles

The Hotel does not handle deposited items. The Hotel is not responsible for loss or damage to items, cash, or valuables brought by the guest.

Article 13: Custody of baggage and/or belongings of the Guest

• If the guest’s luggage arrives before their stay and the Hotel has agreed in advance, it will be stored and handed over at check-in or delivered to the room.
• When the baggage or belongings of the Guest are found after check-out and ownership of the article is confirmed, the Hotel shall inform the owner of the article(s) left behind and ask for further instructions. However, if there is no instruction from the owner, or if the owner is not known, the Hotel shall consider that the Guest or owner has abandoned its ownership and may dispose of it arbitrarily. In particular, raw items, food, tobacco, etc. will not be stored at all for hygiene and safety reasons.

(1) We will dispose of perishables, foods, cigarettes, etc. the next day if there is no notification, regardless of price or expiration date.

(2) If the owner does not provide instructions or cannot be identified, the items will be kept for seven days from the date of discovery and then delivered to the nearest police station.

• The Hotel will arbitrarily inspect the contents of leftover baggage or personal belongings in order to properly process them according to the nature of the contents. If necessary, the property may be returned to the owner or person who lost them, or processed in accordance with the preceding paragraph, with or without the permission of the Guest.
• The responsibility of the Hotel for the storage of the Guest’s baggage or personal belongings shall be in accordance with the provisions of the preceding article.

Article 14: Liability in regard to parking

The Hotel shall not be liable for the custody of the Guest’s vehicle when the Guest utilizes the parking lot within the premises of the Hotel, as it shall be regarded that the Hotel simply offers the space for parking,

Article 15: Liability of the Guest

If the Hotel suffers damage due to the guest’s intentional or negligent actions, the guest shall compensate the Hotel.

Article 16: Disclaimer

• The Hotel takes no responsibility for the loss, damage, etc. of any of the Guest’s goods in the shared facilities of the hotel. Moreover, the Hotel is not responsible for any disputes between or damage caused by hotel guests.

• Computer communication or transmissions within the Hotel is to be conducted at the Guest’s own risk. The hotel will not be liable in the event that service is interrupted due to system failure or other reasons while engaging in such communication, regardless of whether the user suffers any damage as a result. In addition, when using computer communication, if the Guest’s behavior is deemed by the Hotel to be inappropriate, and said behavior is deemed to have caused damage to the hotel and/or a third party, the Hotel will ask the Guest to pay compensation.
• The Hotel will not be held responsible for any damage caused to the user due to a malfunction of the computer communication environment provided by the Hotel.
• We cannot accept mail sent to or from our address, regardless of addressee. Furthermore, we do not take any responsibility for these mail items.

Article 17: Jurisdiction and applicable laws

Litigation arising from the Terms & Conditions for Accommodation Contract will be resolved in the courts in the jurisdiction of the Hotel and in accordance with Japanese law.

Article 18: Amendment of terms

These Terms and Conditions can be revised at any time if necessary, and the revised content will be posted on the website of the hotel.

Article 19: Governing language

These terms are provided in both Japanese and English. In case of a discrepancy between the Japanese and the English, the Japanese version will take precedence.

Appendix 1: Calculation method for accommodation charges (Ref. Article10)
Accommodation charges
Breakdown Basic accommodation charge Room rate and service fee
Extra charge Catering, meals, and other usage fees
Tax Consumption tax
Note: The accommodation charges are posted on the hotel website. Appendix 2: Cancellation charge for Hotel (Ref. Article5)
Date when Cancellation of Contract is noticed. Cancellation Charge
No show 100%
Arrival day 100%
After 0:00 AM, 7 days before arrival day 75%
After 0:00 AM, 10 days before arrival day 50%
After 0:00 AM, 14 days before arrival day 20%

1.The percentages indicate the cancellation charges as a proportion of the accommodation charges, including rates for partnership plans with other businesses. If the amount calculated according to the partner’s cancellation policy exceeds the amount calculated using these percentages, the higher amount will be charged as the cancellation charge.
2.If the number of days in the contract is shortened, cancellation charge for the first day of non-stay shall be paid by Guests, regardless of the number of shortened days.
3.If the number of guests is reduced, the cancellation charge will be calculated based on the accommodation charges for the number of guests who canceled.